We support young Spaniards to leave the family home so that they can undertake a personal and cultural challenge. They will learn new languages, life models and other cultures that will add value and experiences to their lives. We also assist young foreigners who wish to come to Mallorca to learn or improve their Spanish together with the local population. The au pair will always have a set schedule, a weekly allowance and a room in the family home.
There is no better way of learning a language.
Would you like to improve your English in the United States? Through our international network of Au Pair Mallorca, we offer you the possibility of being part of the Au Pair program in the USA. You will improve your English and will be able to enjoy free time for sightseeing and meeting new friends.
It is required to pass an interview at the US Embassy in Madrid, so it is difficult to mark a travel date on the calendar. Don’t worry, there are departures every month! The duration of the visa is 12 months, so the families have the help of the au pair during this period with their respective holidays. On the 13th month of stay you can, with your au pair visa, dedicate yourself to travel.
At Au Pair Mallorca, we help manage the preparation of the needed documentation for the travel.
- Accommodation with a host family, meals and weekly pay of $ 195.75 (€ 174.00 / week approximately).
- Two weeks of paid holiday.
- 1.5-2 full days off per week.
- Our assistance throughout your stay.
- The au pair will have a local area director.
- We help you find an academy in your area.
- We put you in touch with other au pairs in your area. Team spirit up!
- English course (support of up to $ 500 per year of stay).
- Payment of the round trip from Palma.
- Private health insurance paid by the family.
- Assistance with your travel visa.
The au pair will have free time to enjoy the place and make new friends!
All this, in exchange for considering your obligations as an au pair.
- Be between 18 and 26 years old.
- Provable experience with children (testimony of parents, supervisors you have had, occasional babysitters, refresher classes, free time monitor, volunteering …) with a minimum of 200 hours. They do not have to be experienced with contracts.
- Flexibility with the departure date.
- An average time of dedication to the family is estimated in 35 hours per week, reaching 45 hours as maximum. In the same day, the au pair cannot do more than 10 hours.
- In the family house, the au pair has some duties to do such as: making the children's beds, tidying up their rooms and bathroom, ironing their clothes, putting washing machines and dishwashers on and off, cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming and removing the room dust. You should also help to bathe and dress them, play with and entertain them, help them with the homework, reinforce their knowledge of a different language, take them to school or daycare, go to the park with them, cook simple dishes, help them eat and babysit if necessary, twice a week (babysitting hours are included in the totals). All these tasks are solely and exclusively for the children and their spaces, as well as the au pair's own. They are not jobs of assistance. Our agency will make sure that this is the case thanks to the continuous contact between the au pair and us.

In Germany, it is obligatory to take a German course during your stay, with the advantage that families will provide you €50 per month for it. We always recommend you to take an official exam so you can demonstrate the level you have achieved after your au pair program finished. There are many academies available and adapted to all types of pockets and schedules. In any of the centres, you will have to take a level test. They will recommend which exam is best suited to your qualities/length of stay.
- Home accommodation, meals and weekly payment starting at €65 (minimum €260 per month).
- The host family will pay for the German classes (€50 per month) and/or transport to them.
- One week of paid holidays every 3 months.
- One and a half days off per week, at least.
- Assistance during the stay.
- Private health insurance is paid by the host family. The European health card does not cover all services.
- The au pair will have a local agency.
- We help you find an academy or language centre in your area.
- We will put you in touch with other au pairs in your area.
You will have free time to enjoy the place and make new friends!
- Have experience in childcare (occasional babysitters, refresher classes, free time monitor, volunteering …). They do not have to be contract experiences.
- Be over 18 years old.
- Availability (depending on the date of departure, it is recommended to stay a minimum of 6 months, although one year is the ideal. There is also the figure of the summer au pair).
- Present a minimum of two letters of recommendation of experiences with children.
- Have a basic level of German (A1 certificate or bachelor with German).
- Maximum of 30 hours a week dedicated to the family.
- In the family home the au pair has some obligations, such as: Making the children's beds, tidying their rooms and bathroom, ironing their clothes, putting on and taking off washing machines and dishwashers, cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming and removing the room dust. You should also help them bathe and dress them, play with and entertain them, help them with the homework, reinforce their knowledge of a language, take them to school or kindergarten, go to the park with them, cook simple dishes and help them eat and babysit if it is necessary twice a week. All these tasks are solely and exclusively for the children and their spaces, as well as the au pair's own. They are not jobs of the assistance. Our agency will make sure that this is the case thanks to the continuous contact between the au pair and us.
In the United Kingdom, English learning course is voluntary, anyway, we recommend you to make at least one official exam so you can prove your level of English after your stay. There a lot of academies available and adapted to all kind of schedule and prices. In any of these centres, you will have to test your level of English, and they will recommend the exam which adapts to your quality/length of stay, the most.
Attention! Sometimes families will tell you that there are academies in their area, but that does not imply that there are places in the academies. Ask us for more information.
- You can leave at any moment, but the minimum recommended is six months of stay. There is also a summer Au pair figure.
- Accommodation in the family house, meals and weekly pay of 80,00£ (88,00€ approx).
- For each month of stay with the family, there are 1,66 paid days of holidays ( 1 week every four months).
- Two free days every week.
- Assistance during your stay.
- You can count with a local agency.
- We help you find an academy or language centre in your area.
- We will put you in touch with other au pairs in your area. Our colleagues from BAPAA offer a free mobile app for Au Pairs which will allow finding Au Pair from your country who are in same that you.
You will have free time to enjoy the place and make new friends.
- Have experience in childcare (occasional babysitters, refresher classes, free time monitor, volunteering …). They do not have to be contract experiences.
- Be between 18 and 30 years old (sometimes they accept slightly older au pairs).
- Availability (depending on the departure date, it is recommended to stay for a minimum of 6 months).
- Submit a minimum of two letters of recommendation from experiences with children.
- Maximum of 30 hours a week of dedication to the family, including if asked for two weekly babysitters.
- In the foster home, the au pair has some obligations such as: making the children's beds, tidying their rooms and bathroom, ironing their clothes, putting on and taking off washing machines and dishwashers, cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming and removing the room dust. You should also help to bathe and dress them, play with and entertain them, help them with homework, reinforce their knowledge of a language, take them to school or daycare, go to the park with them, cook simple dishes, help them eat and babysit. If it is necessary twice a
week (babysitting hours are included in the totals). All these tasks are solely and exclusively for the children and their spaces, as well as the au pair's own. They are not jobs of assistance. Our agency will make sure that this is the case thanks to the continuous contact between the au pair and us.

In China, you will live an authentical cultural shock. The mandarin course in obligatory and the host family are in charge of its payment. Why China? Because it's becoming a great power and there are large numbers of Chinese companies established in Spain.
- You can leave at any time. The minimum period of stay is only three months.
- Accommodation with a host family, meals and monthly payment from 1500 ¥ (approximately € 195.00).
- The Mandarin classes are included.
- Training upon arrival at the facilities of our Chinese partner.
- 1.5 full days off per week.
- Assistance during your stay.
- 2 weeks paid vacation for a stay of one year.
- There is a local agency that organizes cultural activities for au pairs.
- The medical and travel insurances are included.
- Assistance with your visa.
- There will be a bonus for you if you reach the period of the stay (when it is at least six months).
- Flights will be refunded if you reach the period of stay, depending on how long it is (although it is at least six months)
- Have experience with children (occasional babysitters, refresher classes, free time monitor, volunteering …). They do not have to be experienced with contracts.
- Be between 18 and 28 years old.
- You have to be able to defend yourself in English (level B2 or higher). We will give you an oral test.
- Be able to present a minimum of two letters of recommendation of experiences with children.
- An average of 30 hours a week dedicated to the family is estimated.
- In the foster home, the au pair has some obligations such as reinforcing the children's knowledge of a language (English and/or Spanish), taking them to school or daycare, going to the park with them, helping them eat, etc. Chinese families do not usually require the au pair to do housework. All these tasks are solely and exclusively for the children and their spaces, as well as the au pair's own. They are not jobs of assistance. Our agency will make sure that this is the case thanks to the continuous contact between the au pair and us.

About Au Pair Mallorca
At Au pair Mallorca we can help you. We have been working exclusively with au pair programs for more than 10 years and hundreds of young people have already enjoyed our services.
Contact details
Plaça Nova de la Ferrería nº5 Dcha. Bajo
07002 Palma de Mallorca